Concentration is Never Guaranteed at Work

30 June 2024

Whether you’re in a closed office, an open-plan space, or working remotely, there are endless opportunities to get derailed.

You’re deep into writing your document and suddenly, bam! A reminder for your car inspection pops up, distracting you and causing you to lose track of your work. Or perhaps you know that this report needs to be finished by Friday, but no matter what, you can’t get it done. You end up spinning your wheels, doing random tasks: checking your emails, doing an online search, calling Corinne to see how her day is going…

Or you’re working from home but find yourself thinking about Netflix, the fridge, the coffee machine, or the beautiful weather outside… So many hours wasted with your mind wandering or scrolling aimlessly.

What to do when this happens? Stop immediately. Cut off the “signal that’s causing the derailment.” Here are 5 ways to do it:

  1. Break the Rhythm: Change your pace. Stand up, stretch, take a short walk, have a drink (without your phone). Five minutes to recharge physically and mentally.
  2. Ask Yourself the Right Questions: Ask: Where am I? What do I have left to do? Do I need a break? Clarify things.
  3. Get Back on Track: Open your plan. Ask yourself: How does this task help me move towards my goal? Reconnect with the purpose of your task.
  4. Clear Your Mind: Close your eyes, breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing. Let distractions pass like cows watching a train.
  5. Delegate the Rest: If this task is wasting your time or if you’re not comfortable with it, delegate it. A colleague, an available person, or a contractor might do it better and faster.

The next time you feel distracted, try one of the above tips. Before you get lost in the abyss of unproductive wandering, it might help you refocus.

👉 Want to go further? Hire me as your time management coach! Together, we’ll develop tailored strategies to maximize your productivity and achieve your goals. Contact me today to transform the way you work! 🚀