The 3 Concrete Strategies to better manage your time

The 3 concrete strategies
to better manage your time

The challenge of every professional is time management and priority management. 

In this free video, Carole Perez will explain how to take back control of your schedule with 3 simple and very easily applicable strategies. 

By changing your time management, you will be surprised to see how much you can make your days more profitable. 

You will receive the free video by filling out the following form →


Jean Marc Paquin

Director of Operations for Cienapps


A big thank you, Carole, for this insightful conference on time management! I really appreciated the strategies you shared and have already started applying some of the tips you provided. It was inspiring to see how we can better control our schedule and prioritize our tasks to improve our efficiency. I look forward to putting these new approaches into practice to maximize productivity.

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Ana Valean

Corporate Housing Account Manager, Corporate Stays

It was an amazing experience, I’ve learned so much in these 6 months. I was forced to go outside my comfort zone pretty much every single time we met. I had several issues that I didn’t even know that I had. (more…)
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James McMahon

Financial planner – Planif-Globale Inc


After participating in three coaching sessions with Ms. Carole Perez, I strongly recommend that you contact her. If you are serious about being an entrepreneur, Ms. Perez will help you achieve your growth challenges and personal development. A great adrenaline rush that will take you to the next level. Good luck! 

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Karina Brasseur

Entrepreneur, Coupe sculpture


The Leader in Action coaching with Carole Perez has given me a lot of pleasure and structure in my work. It gave me the tools to do an exceptional job and to really go outside my comfort zone, but all this with a lot of fun, smiles, and laughter. (more…)

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Valérie Hardouin

Talent recruiter – Temporis Montréal


When I started the coaching program with Carole, I had no time for anything but business, but even so, I was overwhelmed. Time is a small 5 letter word, but it is precious and very rare for many entrepreneurs.    (more…)

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Alexandre Sagala

President and founder | Pertinence Média


The Leader in Action experience has been very beneficial to me. The program has challenged and sharpened certain aspects of my leadership style and improved my productivity and focus. The advice is practical, applicable, and concrete. I recommend the Leader in Action coaching program to everyone. 

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Philippe Régnoux

CEO & Producer of Gala Média


I decided to write a small testimonial to thank Carole Perez who accompanied us, the entire Gala Media team, for several weeks in a rather special moment: exciting growth (more…)

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Pierre Gince

President Direction Strategic Communications


Carole Perez exudes empathy: from the first contact, I felt like trusting her. She is a woman of her word and above all, a good listener. Carole is a great advocate for her clients! (more…)

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Serge Mongeau

Studio Art Director at HIBERNUM Créations


Carole arrived at a crucial moment in my professional development. In just a few hours, she was able to isolate a few avenues of development that significantly boosted my abilities. (more…)

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Jessica Harnois

Sommelier-Animateur, President of Vins au Féminin & Savori


Carole Perez is a woman of action who knows how to get us out of our daily lives, take a step back, and better target where to work next. Intelligent and sharp, she has a professional background that makes anyone feel confident. (more…)

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Increase Your Productivity: Master Your Priorities and Time!

Free up to 10 hours per week to focus on what really matters: strategy and growth.

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Programs for Professional Women

Build confidence, unlock your potential as a female leader, and make an impact every day, in all circumstances. Step up your game.

Individual and Team Productivity Coaching

Facing different challenges? It's time to get the support you need to make informed decisions.

Leadership coaching

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