

New Year 2024, New Resolutions!

In discussing goals with my clients to set their objectives for this year, a question often arises: “Where do I see myself in 5 years?” And this is where the method of small steps comes into play. Even for the most ambitious minds, projecting over the next 6 months provides clarity and immediate action. Why...

Exploring the Flow State with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Have you ever felt that incredible sense of total immersion in a task, where time seems to stand still, and each action flows naturally? This is what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls the Flow State, an optimal experience where concentration, creativity, and satisfaction reach peaks. What is the Flow State? Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi developed the concept...

Checklist for a Good Day

Let’s say it straightforwardly. It’s not easy to have a good day every day. With unexpected events, distractions, people around… the plan can quickly go awry. By the end of the day, even if you’re exhausted, you may not have completed half of what was planned. So, you might feel disappointed in yourself or reassure...

Overcoming Procrastination

The secret to overcoming procrastination and consistently accomplishing a task? The key lies in smart decomposition! Too often, we postpone certain responsibilities, considering them as insurmountable mountains. But here’s the good news: every mountain is made up of small stones. By breaking down a large task into small steps, we make it more accessible and...

Exploring the Art of Transformation with Kintsugi

Have you ever considered the profound connection between art and life? Kintsugi, the art of joining porcelain fragments with gold (and sometimes lacquer), lends itself to a wonderful metaphor about life’s wounds. Kintsugi, the art of delicately and precisely joining broken pieces, reveals much more than simple golden seams. It reminds us that scars, much...

Specific Goals

Having clear goals is crucial for achieving your professional ambitions. They provide you with direction and help you stay focused on what truly matters. Furthermore, effective time management can free up precious hours in your week. Leader In Action offers a proven coaching program to gain between 5 and 10 hours every week through better...

Prepare to say ‘no’ by identifying your fears

Saying “yes” is often easier than saying “no” because it avoids conflicts and tensions. However, learning to say “no” can be beneficial for our self-esteem and our relationships with others. Before making a decision, it’s important to understand the reasons that prevent us from saying “no”. You can ask yourself these questions: What drives you...