Who are we?

Leader en action is a team of expert coaches certified by Emploi Quebec, who will support you through a structured program. Stimulate the development of your own leadership and also develop it for your teams. We focus on action and results by implementing new strategies and winning habits to rise to your most ambitious challenges.

Our innovative approach allows participants to reveal their talent, enables them to communicate their ambition and fast-track their careers and business.

Leader en action : Fast-track your full potential

Do you dream of realizing what is important to you by saving 5 to 10 hours per week?

Leader en action makes it his guarantee! No more repetitively overworked days, you will regain control of your time until you will devote 2 to 3 months per year to accomplish what matters most to you.

In a changing professional world where productivity requirements are increasingly high, Leader en action supports you and your teams to achieve greater heights. Our coaching programs are proven on more than 250 managers. It will provide you the necessary tools to sustain your growth and success.

Our coaching is lived in action which allows you to integrate your learning into your daily life at work, in order to adopt the behaviors and mental posture of an anchored and authentic leader.

The first essential step is our coaching “Professional productivity and personal efficiency”To become an inspiring leader, you need to manage yourself better before to manage other people “lead by example”. Here are the essential skills you will develop: time and priority management, planning, better communication, effective delegation, team mobilization, decision making and medium and long term vision.

Reach your goals quickly, reduce your stress, control your time and your priorities, this coaching program will save you 5 to 10 hours per week!

We have a trainer approval certificate issued by Emploi-Québec, grants of up to 50%.

Carole Perez
Founder of Leader en action


Professional coach for 18 years, I am passionate about professional coaching and human relationships. My commitment is to support leaders, senior executives, and entrepreneurs in quickly exceeding their goals with efficiency and kindness.

Certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) with over 4,000 hours of coaching, I am here for more than just guidance. I am here to be your trusted partner, with sharp intuition and an ability to recognize your talents. My goal? To help you transform your challenges into successes by unlocking your full potential.

My approach goes beyond traditional coaching. I am here to be the catalyst for lasting change, developing your key skills in a personalized, pragmatic way, sometimes with a touch of humor. My journey began as a lawyer specializing in international law and as an advisor to senior executives of financial institutions, which provided me with in-depth expertise in the corporate field.

My unique profile, combining coaching skills and extensive experience in the business world, offers real added value to those aiming to reach new heights. My unassuming background and my constant desire to support others make me an indispensable ally in my field.

Find out more

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Our partners

Olivier ZARA

Consultant and trainer, expert in excellence decision-making and management. Author and blogger, Olivier Zara has published eight books. He certified Carole Perez on several tools to achieve decisional excellence.

Jessica Harnois

Renowned sommelier in Quebec and president of Vins au Féminin. Jessica and Carole Perez have collaborated in order to offer you an original / exclusive training “Know-how and know how to drink in the business environment.”

Laurence Attias

Coach-speaker trainer and founder of All Positive Paris. Carole Perez and Laurence Attias have worked together to develop the training cycle “au féminin” about self-marketing.

Our programs

Professional productivity and personal efficiency

Increase productivity and profitability of your organization by an optimal management of yourself and of the others.

Coaching training

Propel your career success and invest in your personal power.

Mobilizing and inspiring leader

Strengthen your competitiveness by becoming a strategic thinker and a researcher of growth with high added value.

Club VIP

Turn your concerns into challenges by integrating a unique support network made up of dynamic entrepreneurs.

Leadership coaching

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