Increase Your Productivity: Master Your Priorities and Time!

Free up to 10 hours per week to focus on what truly matters: strategy and growth

As a professional or business owner, you know every minute counts. With Leader in Action, access the essential tools to maximize your time and that of your team while amplifying your impact. Learn to become a truly effective and inspiring leader. This innovative program has already transformed the careers of over 450 professionals by offering concrete strategies to boost productivity and enhance leadership. Don’t miss the opportunity to make a difference.
What You Will Master:
  • Time Management: Learn to structure your days to accomplish more in less time, without stress.
  • Clear Priorities: Focus on what truly matters and guide your teams toward key objectives.
  • Effective Communication: Convey your ideas clearly and persuasively to motivate your teams and gain their commitment.
  • Optimized Delegation: Free yourself from secondary tasks by assigning them to the right people while staying on track.
  • Achieving Goals: Align your actions and those of your teams to achieve your objectives quickly, with tangible results.

Stop letting urgent matters dictate your schedule—take control today!

Our Guarantee

Leader in Action guarantees a gain of 5 to 10 hours per week, equivalent to two to three months per year. Managing your priorities and objectives will allow you to optimize your schedule.

Program Description

“Increase Your Productivity: Master Your Priorities and Time!”

Module 1: Define Your Professional Direction and Develop Your Action Plan
  • Clarify your vision and set ambitious yet achievable goals.
  • Frame your project by defining concrete steps to move forward confidently.
  • Implement performance indicators to measure your progress and adjust your strategy.
  • Develop a detailed action plan that guides you step-by-step towards your objectives.
Module 2: Master the Art of Priority Management
  • Identify high-impact actions and focus your efforts to maximize results.
  • Prioritize tasks clearly so you always know what deserves your attention.
  • Eliminate distractions and firmly take control of your schedule.
  • Reduce stress by moving determinedly towards your key objectives.
Module 3: Overcome Your Barriers to Productivity
  • Identify and transform obstacles that limit your efficiency.
  • Set up organizational systems that help you better manage your time.
  • Discover how to effectively balance your professional and personal life.
  • Adopt a new relationship with time where every minute counts towards your success.
Module 4: Regain Full Control of Your Time
  • Learn to shift from reactive to proactive mode to anticipate and plan.
  • Take back control of your agenda so it reflects your real priorities.
  • Develop effective routines that allow you to stay in charge of your day.
  • Use advanced tools to maximize productivity and avoid time waste.
Module 5: Optimize Your Communication for Maximum Impact
  • Gain a deep understanding of yourself to adapt your communication style.
  • Master the art of persuasive communication tailored to different personality types.
  • Acquire practical techniques to convey your messages clearly and powerfully.
  • Build strong and constructive relationships through effective and smooth communication.
Module 6: Enhance Your Efficiency Through Delegation
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities for successful delegation.
  • Avoid common pitfalls of delegation by adopting best practices.
  • Multiply your productivity by freeing up time for high-value tasks.
  • Trust your team while maintaining control over the results.
Module 7: Energize Your Teams and Optimize Your Meetings
  • Discover the secrets of a high-performing and engaged team.
  • Learn to lead productive meetings that motivate and mobilize your team members.
  • Implement clear performance criteria to guide your team toward success.
  • Transform every meeting into a lever for achieving strategic objectives.
Module 8: Program Synthesis and Celebration of Your Achievements
  • Review your progress and identify the next steps to continue advancing.
  • Celebrate your successes and those of your peers in an inspiring and motivating environment.
  • Integrate your learnings to make them lasting habits in your daily life.
  • Obtain your certification and join a network of entrepreneurs committed to success.


  • 8 Intensive Sessions of 3 Hours Each to Propel Your Leadership
  • Designed for managers, business owners, association directors, HR managers, team leaders, and aspiring leaders.
  • A friendly and confidential environment to share experiences and learn best practices.
  • Materials provided: Training and exercise notebooks; quizzes; tests; development axes.


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Increase Your Productivity: Master Your Priorities and Time!

Free up to 10 hours per week to focus on what really matters: strategy and growth.

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