The Lobster Metaphor

11 April 2023

The life of the lobster teaches us that any significant transition is accompanied by very uncomfortable situations, sometimes even extremely painful, and puts us in a position of great vulnerability.

When we feel cramped, sometimes we need to change our shell. These emotions, stress, and anxieties are signals that inform us that it is time for us to undergo our transformation, to move towards a beneficial change.

When these moments arise, they invite us all to reconnect with the deepest parts of ourselves, and to connect with our feelings and emotions. It is then necessary to trust the process of evolution, which allows us, each time, to grow and become a better version of ourselves.

In nature, many animals undergo molts throughout their lives, and the most amazing is the lobster. Lobsters grow throughout their lives and, for this reason, need to make a new shell several times. When they feel uncomfortable and cramped in their shell, it is time for them to take refuge under a rock, away from predators. They will stay there until their new shell can be as hard and resistant as the previous one.

Our need for growth is not physical (external) but rather psychological and spiritual (internal)… Emotions, perceived stress, would then be signals that inform us that it is time for us to undergo our transformation, to move towards change. Rather than seeking allopathic means to control stress, let us seek to grow and expand internally to overcome our blockages, change our behaviors so that it can reflect outside.

In 2023, what changes do you want to make to have an exceptional year?