“Miracle Morning”

25 March 2022

Do you know about the “miracle morning”?

It is a morning routine described by Hal Elrod in his best-seller.
He proposes a routine of 6 activities, in order to be more productive and more serene in the morning.
What is this routine? The “SAVERS”:

  • S: Silence: meditate
  • A: Affirmation: repeat some positive affirmations to yourself
  • V: Visualization
  • E: Exercise: do some sports, like a few minutes of muscle strengthening
  • R: Reading: reading ten pages of a book
  • S : Scribe: write a few lines on your thoughts, gratitudes, To Do…

Get out of your comfort zone by trying to get up 10 minutes earlier than usual.
This way, you will have time for one of these activities little by little.
This will mark the beginning of a good day for you by putting you in a positive mindset.